Review of the Lease Abstract and Rent Rolls for:
Compute Expenses Pools
Creation of expense pools of recoverable expenses based on the above information.
Gross-Up Multiplier Calculation
Calculation of Gross-Up Multipliers to adjust for grossed-up occupancy and suitably adjusting the expenses.
CAM Expense CAPS/Floors tenant wise Summary
Summarizing CAM expense caps and CAM expense floors tenant-wise.
Applicable Period for each Tenant
Review of the move-in and move-out dates to make adjustments for tenants who haven’t occupied full year.
Applicable Space Calculation for each Tenant
Review expansion/contraction/shifting of tenants to arrive at allocated area and corresponding period for each area.
Finalize Pro-rata Shares based on effective leased areas.
GL Review
Scrutinize expense GL’s to ensure proper coding of expenses (only in CAM Audit/Detailed CAM Reconciliation service).
Prepaid Review
Analyze prepaid accounts for any unamortized expenses that should will affect expense pool.
Amortizations Review
Review of capital expense and amortizations if leases allow for pass-through of certain capital expenses.
Calculate Expense Recoveries
Finalize expense pools and calculate expense recoveries based on the above parameters.